A Dental Treatment for Olathe Offers TMJ Headache Relief!
Approximately 35 million people suffer from jaw joint disorders. Are you one of them? Dr. Dervin’s specialized neuromuscular training offers a dental solution to Olathe and area sufferers!
If you experience headaches, including migraines, facial pain, neck, shoulder and back pain, jaw pain, sore or worn teeth, chipped or broken teeth, clicking or popping in the jaw or limited jaw movement – it could be due to TMD (or TMJ), a treatable jaw-joint condition. Besides the pain, this dysfunction can cause teeth grinding, breathing problems and sleep disorders. Untreated, such issues will interfere with your work productivity and quality of life. Painkillers may help you through the day, but they don’t resolve the problem.
What can Dr. Dervin, a dentist, do for you? He is part of an elite group who’ve been motivated to train beyond the traditional requirements set out in dentistry schools. This was in order to understand the intricate science involved in evaluating and balancing the muscles related to TMD (TMJ) pain, and then to be able to illustrate how it relates to and benefits you.
When visiting Dr. Dervin’s clinic, expect first a comprehensive evaluation, including a computer analysis of your jaw muscles to discover where your jaw’s optimal position is. The pain you’ve been experiencing is most likely the result of an improper positioning of your jaw, which in turn causes muscle strain. Using a jaw repositioning orthotic-—which incidentally looks like an athlete’s mouth guard—-a new relaxedposition can be found and temporarily maintained. For many patients, the pain they’ve endured for years will begin to dissipate within days. Finally, you can be fitted with crowns and veneers that will permanently hold this new pain-free jaw position!
Don’t let jaw-related pain dictate your lifestyle while there’s a solution here at your fingertips! Call Dr. Dervin, your trained neuromuscular dental expert for Olathe. Experiencing relief from your pain without the use of pills is something worth pursuing!